About me


Click here to see my CV.

Current activities

I work as back end developer for Domnia S.R.L: we are developing a new version sowftare for ticketing called DPASS. In my spare time, I dedicate myself to others 2 game dev projects (Spinning Tower and Cloudy Mess) and actively partecipate to game jams: I run a small game dev team is called Lazy Duck Games.

Working Experience

GFT Italia S.R.L Domnia S.R.L
BE and FE developer Web developer
May 2022 - Nov 2023 Nov 2023 - Present


University of Milan University of Verona I.T.I Marzotto
Master's Degree in Computer Science Bacher's Degree in Computer Science Computer Expert

Language used

Rust C# C C++ Java MatLab Swift Python Typescript

Framework used

Unity API Unreal API Tensorflow CUDA ARKit Spring Boot
.NET .NET Core OpenGL Tauri Angular NHibernate

Other tools used

Versioning Git, Tortoise
IDE Visual Studio, Intellij, XCode, Android Studio
Virtualization Docker, Virtual Box
3D Modeling Blender, Cinema 4D
2D Art Krita, Adobe Photoshop, Gimp 2, Asesprite
Video editing Sony Vegas, After Effect
Composition Ableton Live